
Showing posts from May, 2017

When Life Gives You Lemons | How To Manage A Difficult Fate

I don't come into things easily. I don't easily achieve... No matter how hard I strive. Several unfinished projects. Several unsuccessful attempts. Many stops midway. Trials over #trials. Adversities upon adversities. Pains! Emotional traumas! Disappointments!!!  There's always a #delay.. I have eventually accepted my FATE and thereby come into #peace with my   existence and #destiny. Truly, it isn't easy oooo😵😱😀😀 accepting or coming into terms; but gradually, it's entering me. But well, what can one do but accept! All I try to do is ask God for the #GRACE to decipher every single #opportunity that rarely knocks; grab and make the best of it. And also, the #PATIENCE to wait out the time in between... Accept your FATE then you will be well... -(Drowning Pool: Reminded)  I wonder which one is harder: accepting your FATE and living with it; or living in denial the rest of your life.. -(GU Family Book) Accept FATE, and move on. Don't yie