
Showing posts from March, 2017


This was one work ( the bold one with a write-up) I did in adversity. That work that makes you emotional everytime you look at it.. And the quote on it again!!! Chai! You don't want to know! It marked a turning point in my life. It's not been so easy but it's been the best DECISION/CHOICE I made so far. Grace is "Knowing when to take a step." Mercy is taking that right step & getting a glorious result/effect. This bead is significant. It was a beginning of something new. Even, from the picture, graphically, it's glaring that it was amateurish. This is where it all started from: The #evolutionoftoday (a story for another day) ..... one is never there yet... It will continue to get better... The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice, . Also passion, vision and objectivity CREAMS&CORALS: GRACE My name is 'D.'This is my #experienceasshare #grace #extraordinary #practice #creamsandcorals #creamsandcoralslovers #welovec


If we had no #winter , the #spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste #adversity, #prosperity would not be so welcome! Spring is #nature 's way of saying #letsparty .....Robin Williams For as the #earth bringeth forth her bud And as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord, God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.. ...Isaiah 61:11 "The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring." ....Bern Williams Happy spring! CREAMS&CORALS: Evergreen! #creamsandcorals #creamsandcoralslovers #creamytale #ibadanlive #goingplatinum #welovecreamsandcorals #seasonsgreetings #seasons #summercollections #summercollections2017

Intraspecific Brood Parasitism And The Human Society

A #nest symbolizes a need for a home and a new beginning. It may also mean freedom(from parents).  This creamy jewel was initially inspired by cuckoo's peculiar nestling behavior but was later readapted as NEST EGGS because of the negativity of the cuckoo's nestling attitude. The idea behind this #neckpiece is better illustrated here. What the AGATES (semi-precious stones) mixed with the weaved bead balls on the #neckpiece seeks to illustrate is found in this picture below. Eastern Phoebe nest with one brown-headed Cowbird  egg (at bottom left).  Some birds known as INTRASPECIFIC BROOD PARASITES such as cuckoos, whydahs, goldeneyes, indigo birds etc lay their eggs in the nest of other birds and rely on these other birds to raise their young. This kind of behavior relieves the parasitic parents from the investment of rearing or building nests for their offspprings. The hosts and their biological offsprings suffer a great deal from this behavio


After blooming 🌹, pollinators 🐝 came. This was followed by fruiting. How tasty the berries 🍓 are could only be testified to by the hummingbirds🐦 The first #beadstyle 💎 I originally 👀 @marcoljewelrycafe🙌👌👍😘. I love😍 it especially the #colorcombo. Couldnt wait to replicate it. The idea for the second style came from a different idea 💡 which I later adapted as a follow up👆for the first style. RATIONALE: when we are in full bloom(successful), see how people(the good, the bad, and the ugly) would be attracted to us; swarming all over us; overwhelming us. This stage seems the sweetest. Everybody wants to identify with you. One may tend to become intoxicated, giddy, conceited and pompous(PRIDE). Loss of focus sets in. At this stage, One needs to be very careful you know! •Success, like politics makes/attracts strange bedfellows •Most importantly, pride leaves no room for Grace. It is a spiritual cancer; it eats up the very possibility of love, contentment or even common

Shushh... listen... God is talking!!! ( The Spiritual Significance Of Snow)

Everything in Nature speaks to us. It now depends on how spiritually attentive we are; how faithful and how objective we are at interpreting revelations without prejudice... Nature , in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, or material world or universe. " Nature " can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of  nature  is a large part of science. Nature - Wikipedia › wiki › Nature Feedback About this result THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF SNOW SNOW : a precipitation in the form of ice crystals, mainly of intricately branched, hexagonal form and often agglomerated into snowflakes, formed directly from the freezing of the water vapor in the air. ( ) To some, SNOW creates a feeling of quietitude, tranquility and peace. Purity, cleanliness, and divine presence. Even romance💕 and Christmas 🎄🎄 And to some,

The Choice Is Yours (Tips For Choosing Rightly )

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of CHOICE. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved." ...(William Jennings Bryan). At a point in my life, I was faced with 2choices: to continue building others or to start building myself. I had worked tirelessly building others dreams and formulating ideas to further these dreams for peanuts(in cash and kind). So should I continue and remain the same (unfulfilled, lost, meaningless etc), or I should face my own dream with nothing. I was afraid: where would I go; how do I start.. (Stripped already of self-esteem, already becoming unuseful, difficult and a pain in others ). At this point, I started derailing; committing sins&losing connections with my creator. At a point, I lost feelings. I couldn't feel (both joy and sadness). The fact that I allowed others to be my judge&decision maker, I did some things that nearly did me in. But the #word that broke the camel's back was, &

WELCOME TO THE CREAMS&CORALS BLOG: The essence of creams and corals

This is Creams&Corals: an artist (beaded jewelries, henna tattoos, clothing, cake decorator etc) , a historian, an emotional writer😀,  a philosophical and inspirational blogger. A very irrational and sensitive (overdose) somebody and an amateur at everything (but gracified to do so many)  VISION :   To touch the whole world from this hole. MISSION : To share God's Grace to all and sundry. Here on this blog, The INSPIRATIONS behind #creamyjewels (handcrafted beauties from Creams&Corals) and the thoughts they evoke: #creamytales are shared. Creamy tales are either inspired by revelations From top left (clockwise)                     i. Together... To greater heights!                 ii. Intraspecific brood parasitis iii. To everything there is a season.                iv. Competition  ( Examples of such are found in the above picture collage and can all be found on this blog) These revelations then require befitting craft transla