Intraspecific Brood Parasitism And The Human Society

A #nest symbolizes a need for a home and a new beginning. It may also mean freedom(from parents). 

This creamy jewel was initially inspired by cuckoo's peculiar nestling behavior but was later readapted as NEST EGGS because of the negativity of the cuckoo's nestling attitude.

The idea behind this #neckpiece is better illustrated here. What the AGATES (semi-precious stones) mixed with the weaved bead balls on the #neckpiece seeks to illustrate is found in this picture below.

Eastern Phoebe nest with one brown-headed Cowbird 
egg (at bottom left). 

Some birds known as INTRASPECIFIC BROOD PARASITES such as cuckoos, whydahs, goldeneyes, indigo birds etc lay their eggs in the nest of other birds and rely on these other birds to raise their young. This kind of behavior relieves the parasitic parents from the investment of rearing or building nests for their offspprings.

The hosts and their biological offsprings suffer a great deal from this behavior. How?
By the time the eggs are hatched, this outsider becomes hegemonic and tries to takeover all the attention of the host and oftentimes, pushes the other eggs and offsprings mortally off the nest. The host bird is saddled with the rearing of the parasitic offspring.

A Eurasian Reed Warbler raising a 
Common Cuckoo

This above picture shows a host-mother feeding an already over-fed parasitic offspring.

And at the end, the parasite flies away when it comes of age. This behavior often damages the host πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ and denies the host a fulfilled life.

This relationship was illustrated in a novel I read when I was 10years old. Can't remember the title again. An orphan was picked up and was given a home by a family. She (the orphan) became hegemonic; killed all the biological offsprings and finally caused a divorce between the parents. This behavior was also mentioned in 
RajKumar Hirani's "3 Idiots" : a famous Indian film. Below is an excerpt from the film... 

"A koel bird never makes her own nest.
 She lays her eggs in other nests. And when
they hatch, what do they do? They push the other eggs
out of the nest. Competition over. Their life
begins with murder. That's nature.
Compete or die!"

-Dr Viru Sahastrabuddhe, the Director of ICE addressing
freshmen on their first day in the college.

 Among us, we have people who are domineering/hegemonic in nature. They want to take credit for every achievements (theirs or others'). They want every attention; the limelight etc. Sadly, among siblings, this happens too. Especially among one-sex siblings. One always tends to want to dominate the others. He/she wants to be at the forefront. This one, in most cases, gets angry every time the others get new things from their parents; every time another accompanies their parents to functions; every time another gets promotion; every time another succeeds in an endeavor; everytime another clinches a hot lover (he/she may even weave a web of lies and snatch this lover with that deceiving soft personality); every time someone else's school fees is being paid.

It has to be him, him, him or her, her, her! He/she exposes siblings' secrets to their parents so as to be in their good books (literally). He/she (the hegemonic) wants to stand out as saint among sinners. He/she wants to steal all the glory;  shine all the time. Unfortunately, parents tend to favor this particular sibling all the time to the detriment of the others existence because they (parents) are either too busy in their quests to make ends meet or just insensitive to the plights of the unlucky others. But well, sooner or later, this hegemonic behavior eventually consumes the hegemonic. That's Providence.

Parents do be watchful and sensitive enough in order to curb this excesses in our children; protect the gentle ones and also to prevent future hazards and heartaches.

Now, we also do have people among us who know how to bring-forth/create offsprings without any plan of taking care of such children (Brood Parasitism). These people just engage in the act without any prior arrangement for the outcome. They believed that "the creator behind this -mouth-shape- created alongside what to feed it with."... -(Yoruba proverb) 
This is creating serious societal problem in a world where "Mind Your Own Business" is the attitude of the government. And even if the government starts minding the businesses of the society, how effective can it be. And really, one can't expect the government to clean-up after every non-challant act. "Preparing to live with the outcome of our choices and decisions" could have solved most of the problems posed by this indiscriminate acts.

Street children are often subject to abuse, neglect, exploitation, or, in extreme cases, murder by "clean-up squads" that have been hired by local businesses or police. In Western societies, such children are treated as homeless children rather than criminals or beggars. › wiki › Street...

Thus, daily, one comes across a huge number of children (street children) roaming around without any particular assignment or destination. Children still too young to be separated from their parents are seen on the streets fending for themselves. Except through divine intervention, One may accurately guess their hopeless future.

These scenarios are played out daily in major cities where you see children loitering about markets, car parks and city centres. They seek livelihoods legally or illegally. Some of them engage in drugs and other hard substances. Due to these intakes of drugs, these children become fearless and could attack even the adults around them. They also do engage in pedophilia; contact sexually transmitted infections at a very tender age; engage in hooliganism and finally robbery. Terrorism and suicide bombing can also not be ruled out. Street children are available in large numbers for perpetrators of terrorism to choose from for their dastard acts.

And at times, if you try to bring them into your own house and turn them around, they either escape and run back to where you picked them from or they could later bring ills to your abode. A few do have a great turn around and become major corner stones in the later society. But one may not know. The odds are too great to try. These shouldn't stop us from trying thoughπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€... Our own existence relies/depends on God's mercy!

This (Brood Parasitism) should be a major concern of the government of the day. Those children they (The Government) are training with huge state funds could one day be at the mercy of these "lost hopes." Drastic measures should be put in place to curb indiscriminate act of fornication, adultery, poverty, high rate of unemployment, low minimum wage, illiteracy, Child Abuse and labor, Pedophilia etc. And whosoever is caught in it should face the music🎢. Any children brought-forth should be definitely taken care of and UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION should reflect its essence and every regime that included free education in its manifesto during campaign should be held accountable for it.

Today, it could be the business of these "misfortunates," but in the nearest future, surely, it would have grown wings and spread to our doorsteps.

These two menaces (hegemony and brood parasitism) are pests that eat hungrily πŸ˜€πŸ˜€into the garments of the society. Those who engage in them or enable/encourage them constitute major setbacks to the peaceful co-existence of their fellow human beings ..

PRAYER: Oh Lord, God protect us and save us from the negativities 😈 of man to man.. Amen!

I later changed the caption of this neckpiece from "cuckoo's nest" to NEST EGGS & THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BIRD NESTS

This is a wonderful journey that is under construction πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. It gets a new makeup/facelift every once in a while. It started on instagram. To google+ and here on the blog. As time goes on, we may tend to go for a cosmetic surgery to round off the makeup sessions πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ (literally).
Be that as it may, hope this creamy jewel did justice to the philosophy and inspiration behind it. Do read, share and leave comments. All observations, suggestions and comments are welcome via facebook, instagram 
,whatsapp, and telephone. God bless us all.
Lots of love

NB: The culmination of this #neckpiece was loosely assisted
by beadspirations from two outstanding jewelers:
Marcol jewelry 

REFERENCES: : the significance of a bird's nest.>wiki>streetchildren

PHOTO CREDITS:>wiki>broodparasite :street children photograph

#creamytale #thebehindthescenes #creamsandcorals #birdsnests #nests #cuckoo


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