WELCOME TO THE CREAMS&CORALS BLOG: The essence of creams and corals

This is Creams&Corals: an artist (beaded jewelries, henna tattoos, clothing, cake decorator etc) , a historian, an emotional writer😀,  a philosophical and inspirational blogger. A very irrational and sensitive (overdose) somebody and an amateur at everything (but gracified to do so many) 

 To touch the whole world from this hole.
To share God's Grace to all and sundry.

Here on this blog, The INSPIRATIONS behind #creamyjewels (handcrafted beauties from Creams&Corals) and the thoughts they evoke: #creamytales are shared.

Creamy tales are either inspired by revelations

From top left (clockwise)
                    i. Together... To greater heights!                ii. Intraspecific brood parasitis
iii. To everything there is a season.               iv. Competition 

(Examples of such are found in the above picture collage and can all be found on this blog)

These revelations then require befitting craft translations/illustrations (creamyjewels)  

At times, an already finished work (creamy jewel) do inspire a revelation for creamy tales
From top left (clockwise)
i. Bloom where you are planted              ii. Shushh... Listen... God is talking
                  iii. The choice is yours.                            iv. Stand out.

(Examples of this are found in this above picture collage. And they can be found on this blog.)

In this instance, just a glance at a finished work, one sees what it is. Like someone just whispered it's significance into your head. And you'll be like, "oh! This is another "it".

And at other times, the comments on creamy jewels too do inspire a revelation for creamy tales

Example of such is

Everytime an upload is going to take place, there's always a tale to go with it. But this particular day, nothing was forthcoming, so I went ahead and uploaded  the beadwork. But immediately after (uploading online), someone commented by writing : THIS IS HOT 🔥 🔥  AND SIZZLING LEMON. And Viola😀, that door had opened!

Still can't say the most tasking: the creamy jewel that a revelation inspires or a revelation inspired by a creamy jewel. What is sacrosanct is sharing God's grace. And there's never a time more right than now. There's always the concept of "it's too late" to consider. The moment there's a message, sharing it is paramount, more paramount than the illustrations, the memes and the mamarazis😵😳😎😀

There's someone somewhere probably who needed the message so bad. Holding back on it is breaking the "flow". God uses man for man right. 

Every revelation requires thorough research, befitting illustrations, referencings, quotes etc to drive the rationale home. Continuous improvements also do take place.

These started on facebook. But there's this fundamental concept/belief that there's always something that works perfectly for each and everybody. Like Jack and his Jill; a man and his day. For me, Facebook is a shopping arena. Where goods are displayed to as many eyes (all over the globe) as possible. Hence, pursuing that itch was limited.

Then, to instagram it went. It was really beautiful there but how about space constraint. One couldn't get to express one's thought exhaustively 😀😀.

This blog was opened about 3years back. It's just lying there. After attending different seminars and workshops on blogging and online marketing, the courage to explore this medium came. And even, anytime I googled it back then, and got "empty" as a response, I always did feel so bad. I looked forward with fervor to that time when it would start serving it's purpose. Guess it's worth waiting for (and whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well). 

Why not blogging? Personally, writing is a weakness. Coupled with that daily battle with instagram space constraints to share #creamytales, it's still difficult to capture in words the "this-is-it" feeling that came with this blogging. That I'm-in-love feeling😀😀. That lost-but-found-peace feeling😀😀

And now we just added a new #trend to the blog called #experienceasshared (sharing experience).....

The only source of knowledge is experience... -(Albert Einstein)

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built... -(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show. -( http://geniusquotes.net/ )

The scars you share become lighthouses for other people who are headed to the same rocks you hit...( http://allmymissadventures.blogspot.com/ )

Here,  the experiences of fellow humanbeings who have encountered difficulties of life, the steadfast love &faithfulness of God and have emerged winners from such battles are shared to serve as an encouragement to those who are losing hope in the existence of the most high.

God loves you even in your darkest hours. He comforts you even in your darkest moments. He forgives you even in your darkest failures... -(www.jarridwilson.com)

God is always faithful to answer. Sometimes His answer is a much desired "yes." Sometimes His answer is a merciful "no." Sometimes His answer is a faith-building "not yet." And sometimes...sometimes, when an answer cannot be found, His answer is simply "TRUST ME. " -(Stacy L. Sanchez)

When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust him fully because two things can happen: Either He'll catch you when you fall, or He will teach you how to fly... -(author unknown)

God is faithful
Yesterday, Today and Forever.... -(www.inspirarional-picture-quotes.com)

There are people whose life experiences are just what we need to hear to strengthen us at pursuing our dreams and smithing our seemingly hard fates unrelentingly.

Personally, the irrational; emotional; over-sensitive me do find solace in these shared experiences. I take time coming around at times to read all over again the one that goes with my predicament at such particular time. It does work. If it works for me, I wish and pray it works for you who needs a shoulder too... The purpose is being served then... 

These (creamy tales and experience as shared) have nothing to do with any religion. It's humanity. It is the fact of life where it touches Providence. We try to speak NATURE through crafts and share hard experiences but in a comic, humorous and entertaining way. Life is hard enough already to share sadness. Hence, we welcome you to the fun-side of crafting, sharing experiences, and talking God. 

God bless us all as we come and go. Do share with us ideas and further inspirations.

There is no joy in life like the joy of sharing... -(Billy Graham)

Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing... -(Steve Jobs) 

Wisdom is the reward of experience and should be shared... -( http://picturequotes.com/ )

Facebook: Creamsand Corals
Instagram: creams_andcorals
Twitter: CreamsandCorals
Whatsapp: +234 81391 76991

Lots of love: Creams&Corals

#creamsandcorals #creamytales #experienceasshared #faithfulnessofGod #sharingexperience #thecreamsandcoralsblog #creamyjewels #thebehindthescenes #thestorybehindastory 


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