
We May Love The Lord...!

Some, I realized, usually tend to draw emotional supports/understandings whence they didn't make any such deposits. The "Them-them." They are used to asking, expecting, collecting, taking, usurping, claiming, etc., at all times. Giving, helping, sharing, comforting, compassion etc are all alien to them. They go, "give me this, help me that, shift for me, help me send, make me those, I need them things, ...." They are used to getting their ways no matter what. Who remembers this above picture collage from my blog post  My Dear Greens...!  . My makeup artist @dafnick said its her best shot till date. I can't agree more! And some, on the other hand, are so generously inclined.... they keep dishing out emotional credits/giveaways without any hope or expectations of getting the returns/merits/credits. One of the what-can-we-do-thing about these other party is that they practically don't know how to ask/beg/request/claim or encumber others. They

My Dear Greens, BEFORE YOU START CAINING ABEL.... (How To Manage Envy)

Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable." -(Osho) This is what I used to tell a sister-in-law. She's fond of saying, " 'Dee', you're very lucky. You're creative with your hands. You are so endowed. Too bad it's not the same with me."  Well, first, it may seem all glitz and glamor.... "But she doesn't know the me in this casing. She'd know how pathetic I could be at times. I don't even envy myself. It's been grace."  Two, she hasn't found her purpose yet. I may seem good with my hands. "She doesn't even know what goes on in my brain and mind while seemingly expertly executing any idea. Hands are just a significant little part of a whole body. And well, she's forgotten she's versatile business-wise which I am not." Nobody is unuseful. All it takes is being objective and focused; finding one's purpose; and us

I Am The Greatest.... Yeah, Just Walk The Talk!!!

I talk-write ( hope you get the meaning. I've been told I write -in short bursts- the way I talk. That should be because I kind of get gusts of inspiration of what to write at a particular time and in the next minute, I usually get the dry spell. So I just pour it out in writing as it pours through my mind before that imminent dry spell strikes. And I'm just too forgetful nowadays ) too much. Well, it's fun and a kind of vent for me. I hope big. I believe I'm gracefilled. I believe I'm special. I believe I'm the best. I am the greatest! Now, I hope my (too much) talk meets up with my output. I work so hard. I sleep late or not at all. Zero social life. I do my amateurish photography by myself to near perfection as long as each takes. I research and write for an  inspirational and philosophical blog . I attend seminars and read relevant books. I'm apprenticed now and then to broaden my scope. I do stand a whole day on my legs weaving beads. I ha

Let's Celebrate! (Message For The Broken-hearteds)

My sister called my attention to the fact that my smile doesn't get to my eyes. I was baffled because I never noticed. Then I started paying more attention and I realized it's true. So what did that signify? How did I get here? ( I, known to smile excessively even when it's not warranted. And even when in pain. It used to be my trademark. I've even been advised to work on reducing it before 😀😀😀). Hmmnn, I guess the pain is way past my mind. It is now reflected on my face. Guess there's enough the mind can take. -(Debby Cletus) You remember the illustration (beaded jewelry) pieces for my blog post "    IT MUST BE HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF ?" 😀 Nothing makes one more proud and fulfilled than seeing your output been slayed this beautifully... I have come to realize that there are some pains that are just too deep it can't be shared. Some because they are too sensitive and some because nobody would ever understand. Let's just say