I Am The Greatest.... Yeah, Just Walk The Talk!!!

I talk-write ( hope you get the meaning. I've been told I write -in short bursts- the way I talk. That should be because I kind of get gusts of inspiration of what to write at a particular time and in the next minute, I usually get the dry spell. So I just pour it out in writing as it pours through my mind before that imminent dry spell strikes. And I'm just too forgetful nowadays) too much. Well, it's fun and a kind of vent for me. I hope big. I believe I'm gracefilled. I believe I'm special. I believe I'm the best. I am the greatest!

Now, I hope my (too much) talk meets up with my output. I work so hard. I sleep late or not at all. Zero social life. I do my amateurish photography by myself to near perfection as long as each takes. I research and write for an inspirational and philosophical blog. I attend seminars and read relevant books. I'm apprenticed now and then to broaden my scope. I do stand a whole day on my legs weaving beads. I have a tummy ailment that I manage. I still fast twice a week outside the fasting months. I endeavor to never miss delivery dates. Really I'm working. And I pray. I talk with God. I have faith in God. I pray for Grace ... Whatelse do I need to add up to my work to justify my "I'M THE GREATEST" talk oooo.... 

Well, We all talk too much. We all have colorfully strong and almost convincing ways of describing our hustles but are we really doing the work that justifies our claims?

The gospel truth is nobody wants the work. We crave the success behind a hardwork but the hardwork at the forefront is despised strongly. That's why we pray that we should work rat and eat elephant. How about those that work elephant actually? Non never, ever want to do the work. We see tabletoppers and all that we do is wish we are in their shoes. I envy Mercy Aigbe but I call myself back by saying she worked hard for it. By hook or by crook.. Either way, it's hardwork, super strong determination, perseverance and focus. And the most important is God's grace. If these targets Of our envies come out to tell us the real behind-the-sceens of their eventual success, I bet non of us will envy their success again.

Just a few of them got their success platter-served to them. Most worked for it. They didn't sit there on their butts and expect  platter-serving angels to visit. They worked. They hoped. They believed. They didn't just sit out and wished for good lives alone. Wishing doesn't do the work. Hardwork does!

Hard work doesn't guarantee success (success: hardwork meets opportunity) but it puts you where luck will find you... -(author unknown)

You are working too much you say (just like me ) and you are quick in your expectations of recognition for your sorry attempts... Too bad, Mr Pitt died pitily. Not even nowadays that it seems as if everyone is doing the same thing. Go to google and type jewelers or makeup artists or cake decorators or even the white collar jobs. Thousands of names will pop up... OK let's try the banking sector. Just in your area alone, how many can you find there? At a time, I opened savings accounts in a number of banks but I eventually stuck to only one at the end of the day. Couple of weeks ago, while I was trying to open a corporate bank account for my business, I encountered a lot of hitches but I still stuck to my bank. People advised me to try elsewhere. "Did it mean all your accounts must be domiciled in the same bank?" They asked. Well, no. But I have come a long way with banking. I'll rather manage this early hitch; now, than a lifetime of stress... That's how it is.

There are so many in the field of banking;  there are so many in your chosen field. Just the outstanding ones will see the light of day. It may seem too difficult in the beginning. It may seem all hard works and no respite now. That's now. Now that you still have the strength, why don't you expend it judiciously and gainfully. Now may seem so difficult. You know what? Every situation has its significance. That's how I see it. And I use each to the best. I'm not corporately employed  or salaried. That means so much time but little finance. So what does "now" signify? How am I utilizing it. "SO LITTLE FINANCE" means inventing and creating my needs by myself; Managing the little I have effectively; creating crazy but uniquely amazing outputs. And "SO MUCH FREE TIME" means researching the way to build myself such as apprenticeships, online research, blogging, attending seminars, praying, analyzing my dreams, seeking and getting answers to personal questions inwardly, realizing my purpose, engaging nature for inspirations, taking exercises, etc and becoming my own boss!

It's not all juicy and rosy. Not at all. Especially when "the-where-withal" is not even as constant as a blue moon. And the situation is that "where those around have concluded that one is a loser out and out." As determinedly strong as I am, I get my low periods too. The period when it seems like my hardwork is just that: hard work; difficulty; emptiness; waste; perpetual broke-butt etc. And no respite. So I get so low at times that I just plague space with questions like the "whys" and the "hows." But as it is, I have realized that the drug for my low periods is more hard work. You know this saying "get there or die trying?" They were talking about me. That's the commitment. That's the stance! What do I lose by working hard? And I have realized my low periods usually come when I'm idle. So???

From my attitude to work, People do tell me to soft-pedal -"You work too much; Why don't you take some time away..." -
Well, I do envisage a break but the moment I see the name Creams&Corals (my addiction, my baby, my brain-child, my dream, my essence, my only strength ) forget it. Especially as it's yet to be at par with its competitors. And it's yet to be at my DREAMS DESTINATION which is more important than any competition. No detailed attention is enough and no hardwork is too much especially when you are smithing your dream. Your own dream! Your own destiny!!! No work is hard work... You just have to give it your all

Now, how many sleepless nights have we kept smithing our dreams? How many have we kept to meet up with delivery? How many bags of seed beads have we strung at once without taking a break? How many pounds of fondant have we manually mixed and rolled at once?   How many self imposed disciplinary measures have we followed? How far can we cope with loneliness, boredom, resentment, rejection or abstinence of some life goodies to attain our dreams etc. We all wish to be the best but it's just Talk! Talk!! Talk!!! And talking doesn't accomplish the task.. It is hardwork, doggedness and etc that does. Objectivity and sincerity with ourselves help too.

Back to our hardwork-unbacked-wishes; our no-conviction-expectations; our socialenvy; our hopeless prayers. Didn't you hear that "heaven only "HELPS" those who help themselves?" ONLY HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES!!! Work, strive, hustle, endeavor according to your expectations, your wishes and your prayers. Put your mouth where your strength is. Put your wishes/expectations near your hustle. Or when that fervently expected grace eventually arrives, where will it meet you? Succeeding in life is by God's grace. OK! But wouldn't it be better if grace meets us available and prepared. Prepare your bed the way you want to feel in it!

Hence, if you want to be the best, prepare to beat the best. 
If you want to eat elephant, work elephant. Any otherwise thought like working rat and eating elephant is preparation to rob.  
If you want to better everybody, work harder than everybody...

All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point... -(Author Unknown)

There's no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs! -(Author Unknown)

If you think hard work kills, try unemployed and broke... 

I want to be the best of me
I want to be the best at what I do

I want to be the greatest!!!

Well, everybody wants too (everybody is saying these).
And if wishes were horses,  beggars might buy shares at thoroughbred business: Wertheimer et Frere

Whatever you envisage, let your ambience reflect it. Talk is cheap, leave the talking, and start the work. Work harder than everybody.

Walk the talk
Walk the talk

For glamorforever, WALK THE TALK
For Simple-but-certainly-not-simplistic, WALK THE TALK 
For Quality-for-you-money, WALK THE TALK
To become www.com (what the world wants )... WALK THE TALK
To become a true fashionista/trendsetter,.....WALK THE TALK

To Be Trusted..., WALK THE TALK
To Go Places...,  WALK THE TALK
To Go platinum...., WALK THE TALK
For Glamor-still-trending...,WALK THE TALK 
For all-the-glamor-that-starts-with-D such as Delicious, Dignified, Desirable, Delectable, Daring, De luxe etc...., WALK THE TALK
For Integrity-is-sacrosanct...., WALK THE TALK
For Integrity-meets-tradition..., WALK THE TALK
For Luxury-the-Nigerianway...,  WALK THE TALK
For African luxury jewelries....,  WALK THE TALK
For African-Sweetheart-Weddings..., WALK THE TALK
For Glam-And-Loud..., WALK THE TALK
For Excellence and nothing less..., WALK THE TALK
For Success or nothing at all..., WALK THE TALK
For Attainment of independence ..., WALK THE TALK
For Beautiful-and-funky-trendy-and-bespoke...,  WALK THE TALK

You want to surpass... WORK YOUR TALK 

To become the greatest...???

I'm that star up in the sky

I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest... -(R. Kelly)

... AND


                    BLOGGER'S NOTE 
Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard." "The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Work is the key to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything." "If wealth was the inevitable reward of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire." " -(goodreads.com)

This above submission according to goodreadsquotes means that hard work alone is not enough. One needs to Improvise: research, follow trends; get further trainings, read relevant books, attend also relevant seminars, mix and move with the professionals in your field, keep abreast your competitors and the big names in your chosen ministry: what are they doing; what's new. You are not expected to replicate sheepishly their works if you really want to stand out but to help you measure your growth in the business. 

You'll want to agree with me that these are works as well. OK and well, agreed. But above all, what is needed/required most to succeed in life/business is Grace. God's grace!

When I describe my dream to people, or people come across my outputs online or they see how hard I work; or how busy I am; all they say is "Ahhh, you are a rich woman o!" Or "you must be so big now." Or "No wonder, you are now big;  you don't want to move with us again."
All I tell them is "all these efforts do not mean wealth. Its not about how much I worked. It takes only the grace of God to succeed. So please pray for me that I not labor in vain!"

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain! -(Psalm 127:1)

Haven't you found yourself in a situation where you have given an output your all. All the detailed attention; spent so big on it to complete it with the mindset that chaiii, this is going to break records; set trends! And what happened when you display it either online or in your display room; No single likes! No comments! No shares! And no order!!! You just go wondering how come? I don't know too.
But at times, you just do a work in a slap-dash manner and what happened after display. Likes upon likes; comments; shares; and ontop of it all, orders! You get orders... Well, I don't know the "how come" like I said. But the "how go" is one got blest/gracified ... The other!  Well, I still don't know. 

Nigerian Beaded-jewelry crafting is arduous and time-consuming especially if you want to stand out in such industry where anybody who could string beads assumes he/she is a professional already. That means more work for whosoever wants to be reckoned with. I do get huge orders (of the same design at times,) and I am already with the mindset that I am lazy: my dad used to say "I'm that horse who doesn't want to take any step at all." Really, I had phobia for hardwork  all my life. So how do I thrive? My go to trick is never to envisage the time and stress each beadwork/order entails. I just plunge into it and sing, talk to God, meditate, even exercise and dance etc. And just like that, I had finished the task-at-hand.
Every time I go through the pictures of my past endeavors, I go wow! Who did all these beauties: beading, photography, editing and all? That must be God! That's grace!!! It meets you wherever you are but does not leave you where it finds you. -(Anne Lamott)

It must be God! Because definitely, it's not me. And really, i'm baffled how I'd done all these!  The weak, lazy, never-wanting-to-take-a-step-horse me!!! Uhn Uhn, it's not me. But you know what, God made sure I stood up and worked. He made sure I worked my lazy hands and a*** off. What with all my uniqueness-in-diversity. ( And There's this strength you get from the frightening realisation that the loser others confirmed you to be could be true).

God made sure I worked. He made sure the lazy horse didn't just take that step, it galloped! It sweated!! It dropped weight! It became attentive! It woke up! It hustled and struggled! It realized it's calling and purpose!

That's God. That's grace.

Darlings, if I worked and it seems like its working for me, it means anybody and you too can. Just pray for God's grace!

Like everyone else, I detest the hardwork-time. The best times I love so much are:
•When the pictures are ready for uploading and are so beautiful 
•when my clients collect their orders and are full of praise
•When they upload their pictures wearing my outputs at parties
•And when I receive praises, positive reviews and feedbacks for my outputs 
•But my best moment is every time I go through the archived pictures of my outputs. The beauty; the evergreen attempt; the behind-the-sceens; the story, the inspiration and philosophy behind each of them; the joy and the peace that they give me are enough rewards for my hard works.

Meet my God-given clients

I have never stopped giving all glory to God for my growth physically and spiritually. All is hard work : WALKING/WORKING MY TALK! But most importantly, it's grace.

May the special grace of God brings to you all that your heart desires today and always. Amen



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