Bloom Where You Are Planted: Tips On Becoming Successful In Business

My once upon a time boss told me two things:
•Be patient
•Start from small

These made no sense. To me, I'd learnt so much. I was burning to showcase what I've got. Expertise was giving me insomnia😀. I needed ventilation (I needed to practise). There was this force in me pushing hard. That too-much feeling; that have-it-all feeling. So what's a boss's advice ...

I went ahead and got an office space. The first hurdle was bringing it up to standard. The second was maintaining the standard. I ran from pillar to post (Instead of creating display works, I was busy face lifting the outlet). Despite all, nothing was forthcoming. I was practically imploring people to patronize me and yes, they reflected my stance.

The last stroke that broke the camel's back was a friend of a friend who came for bridal consultation. Before coming, she asked that I forward my works to her online... Non! So I forwarded the works of others with their names boldly written on them(mistake #1). After she came, free #consultation (mistake #2) and a promise to patronize me, she went (fully armed with my guidance) and gave the work to another. She even displayed the picture on BBM.

I felt used and insulted. She acted this way because:
I had nothing to show for my supposed expertise; because I seemed unserious; didn't understand the rules; climbed from the top; was doing the right thing wrongly; and didn't know the worth of what I had nor the best way to exhibit it. I also didn't discuss it with God first nor did I understand the power of grace then...

So I closed the shop, came back home and back to God; went online and started again. The rest: GLORY WAS/IS THE STORY!

I'm not against taking a showroom or showcasing what you've got. No!  But if the needed is not here yet, get your bearing right and then utilise what is here already. Every grace you have/get, use it exuberantly.

I have a colleague in this same industry. He is Infact, an extension of me. I do tell him always that, "if it's this one style we know, it is enough. All we need do is seek God's grace and do that one style very well."

You don't need to know it all. Why wait till you learn everything. How about the Jack-of-all-areas; .....? You also do not have to wait till you can afford those exotic materials. The little you know/have, make it count. Do it so well, they can't resist.

Out there, I see people in the same industry doing/displaying every new style that comes out. Yet, they attract very little recognition and success. And there are some who repeat/recycle the same style, and are the belle of the populace. what's the difference?

•that tiny office space: put it to the best use
•that small finance: spend it on the best it can buy
•that stiff opportunity: stretch it beyond limit
•that insufficient time: extend it in the spirit
•that inefficient training: glam it up; deepen it via internet
•those unsophisticated materials: do magic with them.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain... _(Spirit Science)

I expend everything at my #disposal to achieve each #output. I don't have much but I fly. I attack each order as if its the first or/and the last.

I also have a close number of clients. I don't need much: the number of teeth in a mouth is insignificant; .......... This has guaranteed excellence and subsequent success after each output. Who even wants to work elephant and eat rat?

Every Jack has a Jill; every man has a day; every craftsman has his own (divine) clientele. You just have to do your best; get the best out of your inefficiencies and take care of your #clientele. Give them reasons to come back. Excellence first! "PURSUE EXCELLENCE, SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW PANTS DOWN.." -(Rancho: 3 Idiots movie)

Words of mouth work like #magic. Do your homework well before you seek #recognition. You don't even have to seek it, it will come looking for you.


“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a #Michaelangelo painted, or #Beethoven composed music or #Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”     _(

Thank God and thanks for this opportunity to express myself.  Primal Ideas and logistics is a conglomerate of different skills and ideas. A writer, A cake artist, a photographix, an interior decorator, a painter, a fashion stylist and a bridal consultant. And we're still learning. My name is Bowale Daniel. This is my own #experienceasshared

From the illustration, a flowering plant seed(beads) was planted: up, half way across a vertical surface (adversity). Instead of despairing, dwindling, dying and forgotten (defeat), it strove hard, survived and blossomed beautifully (excellence) ... At full bloom, pollinators (recognition, success etc) came knocking without receiving an invite... Thanks for reading. Comments, observations and suggestions are welcome.

#peace #bloom #blossoms #blossom #excellence #success #creamsandcorals #thecreamsandcoralsblog #skills #bridal #consultant #grace #God #photography #jewelryphilosophy #inspiration #ideas #jewelryartist #caker #cakeartist


  1. Thank you very much for this write up. This is just what I need, God bless you.

    1. Amen. . You are highly welcome. God bless us two

  2. Word of wisdom. this is really deep, m touched.


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