Together..... To Greater Heights! ( How To Manage our Differences)

A fruit tree flowered and started fruiting. The fruits started growing together. And some didn't grow at all. Among those that grew, some ripened. Some didn't. Some became deformed and some diseased. Among the ripened ones, some remained hard and inedible (DIFFERENCES).

The diversity (differences) in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord.... -(Abdu'l Bah'a -- Baha'l Faith).

No matter their DIFFERENCES, they still stayed TOGETHER in peace. Infact, without any outside influence, they mostly lived and withered TOGETHER gradually (LOVE). No Discrimination; No Stigmatisation; No Rejection; and Exposure. No Anxiety; No Desperation; No Depression etc.

It is not our DIFFERENCES that divide us. It is our Inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those DIFFERENCES... -(Audrey Lords).

Well, for the said lucky ( or unlucky as the case may be) ones, the delicious scent and outlook did not go unnoticed. It beckoned!  And suddenly, birds, bees, bugs, animals, humans etc started trooping in...
•Haaa! this one is the ripest...😵
•This is the most succulent 😘
•This one is too hard
•Why is this one so black 😎
•Why the spots😰
•Why are you not like others????
•Why are you not like your sisters?
•Why... But your twin brother came home with pocketfuls of incentives...!
•Oh boy, she's too ugly..!😀
•Just so lacking charisma
•Your younger ones are fruiting already!

Divisions. Separations, Competitions, Discriminations, pain, Desperation, Anxieties have begun.

These external crusade, in the bid to get the best of the bunches became frenzied and agitated. The indiscriminate onslaught not only destroyed the natural peaceful co-existence (togetherness) of the bunch, it also ruined the seeming unfortunates (losers) . And some of the supposedly ripe ones also suffered the brunt.

Some (ripe ones) were eaten halfway by animals and left to rot. Some fell off the tree from the impact of external influences; rolled under dried leaves and decomposed. And some once-lucky-ones spoilt before reaching the market. Thereby ending also as wastes.

While nature is always and ever making efforts to bring/keep us together, life (parents, spouses, society, families, fortune, sex,  race, color, tribe, religion, beliefs, luck, ideas, position, success, class etc) has a tendency to separate us (based on differences).
                           ....-Sean O'Casey

If left undisturbed, possibly (with time), the blackened ones among the bunches; the seemingly never-to-ripe ones, the diseased and the deformed ones might all have taken positive turn arounds and surprised the world.

Just when the caterpillar thought
The world was over, it became a butterfly.... -(PROVERB).

And also, if left undisturbed, those rich looking ones would eventually mess up the whole bunches because after ripening: what's next? Rotting!

But with the onslaught, one may never know...

Among we humans, families have a way of packaging their livelihoods around the supposedly successfuls. When a plantain tree over-fruits...?  -(Yoruba Proverb).

The world also focuses on the ripe ones, thereby granting the unripe ones the opportunity of ripening gradually at their own pace. If they (the unripe ones) are able to look past the rejection, negativities and shrug depression, they do fly.

And..... It is the rarest and most beautiful of all.... the flower that blooms in adversity!.. -(Mulan)

The ripe ones are also disadvantaged by the fact that not a single one among those that swarm around them loves them. These people can be likened to gold diggers/ sycophants. But whosoever condemns societal stance and comes near the unripes most times does so out of compassion and goodwill.

Every child is different (every child is special); Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning, but also capable of succeeding... -(Robert John Meehan).

God changes caterpillars into butterflies; Sand into pearls
And coal into diamonds. With time and pressure

God makes all things beautiful in His time. Trust God's time -(Sarah Wehrli)

We pulled through it together. We fought through a little adversity in this game but our brotherhood and togetherness that we had during the season brought us through tonight... -(Darrel Mitchel)

Our family
A circle of strength and love...
Founded on faith...
Joined by love...
Kept by God...

Leave well alone.... Don't meddle with nature's organization...

Look for DIFFERENCES and you will find them. Look for similarities and you will find them. 
We're all DIFFERENT on the outside, Yet deep in our hearts💕, we all share
The very same joy, pain, hope, and love.   ...(Doe Zantamata)

DIFFERENCE is of the essence of Humanity. DIFFERENCE is an accident of birth
And it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict.
The answer to DIFFERENCE is to respect it. Therein lies a most fundamental
Principle of peace: RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY...  -(John Hume).

We forget that despite the superficial DIFFERENCES between us,
People are equal in their basic wish for peace and happiness...
       -(Dalai Lama).

Enjoy your TOGETHERNESS with your loved ones.
Don't waste it on useless fights and arguments.
You never know whether you will see each other alive
When you wake up next day. The little time you have
With each other is very, very precious,
Make the best of it. Love and cherish
Every moment of your TOGETHERNESS...
      -(Aarth Khurana)

The above message came before the illustration ( the illustration beaded jewelry ). Hence, it was such a dilemma getting the best jewelry translation of the message especially due to time constraint. What's sacrosanct is that there's always the right message. But there's never the right time, more right than now. There's also the concept of "it's too late." I already started having sleepless nights 😀😀😀😀; just have to let it out.

I could have continued embellishing the beaded jewelry  but I wanted the oriental feel in the owambe (funky) Nigerian-way. Also, in that my trademark
(and all the #glamorthatstartswithD) manner.

This below picture was my first in-a-hurry translation. My friend told me it looked like a bird's nest (which I had already done). Also, the background color (black) wasn't going down with me. And it also looks so much like one of my recent message-to-jewelry translation work. Hence, I had to try again. Have I tried? Have I done justice? Fellow crafter, do share with me your views on how you would have jewelry-translated the message. We are all in the process of learning. We got our backs...😘😘👍👍.

 Thanks and God bless for dropping by. For more of my works, daily activities, many how-tos, join me on instagram via @creams_andcorals and on whatsapp via Say hi to Creams&Corals . I love you so much. All observations, suggestions and comments are welcome 



  1. Love you dear and everything God has deposited in you, you will fulfill.. All your designs are truly amazing. Thanks dear for speaking God through jewelry...

    1. Amen to the fulfilment. My sister from another mother. You do understand me more than I do. Thanks for you time all the time @leesa.

  2. First, the main illustration beaded jewelries nailed the message. The difference in the fruits, even the "said" ripe ones are just too clearly illustrated. Now, the way the word "loser" is being thrown around nowadays is alarming. The way people go about speaking negativities into the lives of others! How about the power of the tongue? Some are strong enough to live it thru but some started dying gradually henceforth. Because one child didn't start "walking" alongside others didn't mean that child is a waste. This is disheartening

    1. It's so deep and takes the grace of God... There's a season for every and a purpose to all. No one is unuseful like I always do say. Thanks for your time. Thanks for dropping by


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